Monday, February 28, 2011

20110228 Sun

This is the last day of Februry 2011, time is going very fast but cloud had been moving slow. I finally got some sunshine today.

AR1164 is going strong, seeing 6/10, transparency 4/10.

1427 (GMT+8) with reducer:-

1430 (GMT+8) with 2x barlows:-

Another C5 is coming

The tracking service of Hong Kong Post reveals that the package has arrived Hong Kong. I might be able to fetch it on Wednesday morning, it is an insured parcel and so I'll have to go to take it myself and it won't be delivered to my home.

It's again a Nexstar gray tube model, with a Vixen compatible dovetail. I guess it's still a Made in USA model. I'll also get a 1.25" visual back as well as a Astrotech dielectric diagonal, a 25mm eyepiece is included as well.

Actually, I don't need that diagonal and eyepiece, so if you're interested, let me know and we might be able to come up with a good deal :-)

Monday, February 07, 2011

20110207 Sun

I've been out of town for a couple of days, and I have some observations there for a few nights. The sky there was not particularly good, but I've conducted some low power observation with my Canon 10x30 IS as well as a few short exposures with my Canon 450D on my Takahashi TG-SP 2. I'll write some separate entries for them later.

Back to the Sun, AR1153 is around when I observe today. Seeing 3/10, transparency 5/10. No big activities.

1521 (GMT+8):-

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Going for a family trip

Chinese New Year is coming and this is a special one for me since I'll be going for a trip with my family. We're going to some villages and hopefully I'll have some better sky than Hong Kong. Since I'll be going with the kids, I couldn't bring anything heavy. What I will take are the following:

1. Gitzo G160 with Manfrotto 410 head
2. Takahashi TG-SP II without counter weight
3. DIY battery box with 4 AA Sanyo eneloops
4. Canon 450D with kit lens, timer release
5. Canon 100mm f2.0
6. Canon 10x30 IS
7. Pocket Star Atlas, S&T Publishing

The TG-SP II is small, and it can take my Canon 450D without any additional counter weight, the motor compartment is a built-in counter weight and I found that it's heavy enough to balance the 450D with either the kit lens or the 100mm f2.0! Also, since it takes only 6V, and I found that it works without problem at 4.8V so power supply is not a problem as well. Visual observation would be done with a Canon 10x30 IS.

Weather forecast is favorable: